Virtual Training Guide

Welcome to the STEM Racing USA & Canada Virtual Training Guide! Below you’ll find articles with tips, tricks, and examples to help guide your team from its start until competition. Click through the units to explore topics and don’t forget to tune in to live informational session we’ll host to answer any questions your team may have.

Click the link above to find examples of Portfolios, Sponsorship Packets, Pit Displays, and more!

We are in the transition to STEM Racing - resources below reference F1 in Schools - we’re the same competition, just with a new name! Please bear with us during this transition period.

Unit 1: Course Introduction

Unit 2: Team Roles

Unit 3: Creating Your Team

Unit 4: Competition Elements

Unit 5: Car Design

Unit 6: Project Management

Unit 7: Competition

Unit 8: Extra Resources

Informational Sessions

Informational sessions via Zoom are designed to help teams prepare for competition or to answer questions your team may have along your journey. Each session will have a topic but teams are also encouraged to join and ask any questions they may have (even if unrelated to the topic). Previous Informational Sessions will be recorded and posted within the training guide above. For upcoming sessions, check the Events Calendar in the Team Portal.

Vote/suggest on topics here: