

Closing is the process of completing the project. Finishing a project is an accomplishment. It is the achievement of a lot of work. As a group, you and your team members collectively sparked an idea, planned it, executed the plan, monitored/controlled your progress, and have now reached the closing process.

In the closing process you have the opportunity to reflect upon the quality of the project deliverables, what you learned about managing a project, and how well you and your team worked together.

In the closing process there is still some work to be completed as follows:

  • A closing presentation is created, for some projects, to present the final report to the stakeholders.

  • Collect and store any project-related paperwork and documents (such as the project plan, completed schedule, etc.) in a project portfolio such as in a notebook or a computer. These documents become reference material for future projects.

  • Team members need to “sign off” on the project to verify that the project is completed.

  • Create a Lessons Learned document with team members by asking what went well, what could have been done better, and what should continue. You may have received feedback from the judges which should be included. You can also reflect on how your car performed on the track.

  • Complete a self and peer assessment. Include whether you and your group:

    • Treated each other with respect,

    • Shared responsibilities,

    • Communicated clearly and effectively,

    • Worked in an organized fashion and

    • Managed time wisely.

  • Finally, celebrate all that you and your team have accomplished! Regardless of the outcome, you have dedicated time and effort, learned a lot along the way, and should be rewarded for such effort.

Example Lessons Learned Document. Click to Enlarge.

Example Self & Peer Assessment. Click to Enlarge.