Competition Classes


The F1 in Schools STEM Challenge in the US and Canada currently is divided into two classes - Developmental and Professional.

Younger teams (typically grades 5-8) that are just starting out are encouraged to join the Developmental class. This often allows teams to start up programs easier and gain experience with the challenge and can serve as a stepping stone for teams that plan to compete for multiple years. Development Class teams can compete up to the National level for the title of National Champions.

The Professional Class is recommended to older teams (typically grades 8-12) who have experience with CNC/CAM or would like to challenge themselves with the new learning experience. Professional Class teams compete at the National level to earn the right to represent our countries at the World Finals for the title of World Champions!

However, both classes are open to both teams - feel free to join whichever suits your team best! It’s not a requirement to start out in the Development class if you’re ready for the ultimate F1 in Schools Challenge!

Let’s look at some other differences between the two classes for the 22/23 Season…

Competitive Elements:


  • 10-Minute Verbal Presentation

  • Three F1 in Schools Cars (two for racing, one for display)

  • One 7-page Design and Engineering Portfolio

  • One 10-page Project Management & Enterprise Portfolio

  • A Table-Top Pit Display

  • Engineering Drawings and Renderings


  • 10-Minute Verbal Presentation

  • Three F1 in Schools Cars (two for racing, one for display)

  • One 11-page Design and Engineering Portfolio

  • One 11-page Enterprise Portfolio

  • One 7-page Project Management Portfolio

  • A freestanding 8’x10’x3’ Pit Display

  • Engineering Drawings and Renderings

The Car:

While both classes are required to use CNC routers to manufacture their cars, the Development Class features reduced technical requirements compared to the professional class. Please review the technical regulations to see all specific differences. However, both classes undergo the same number of races and racing procedure at competitions.


Both teams compete at the same time at the National Competition, often with the same set of judges. This allows Development Class teams to get quality feedback to prepare them from the Professional level of competition. However, only the Professional class teams are eligible to represent the US and Canada at the World Finals.