Team Roles Overview


An F1 in Schools team is made up of three to six students who are between the ages of 9-19. All members of a teamwork towards their common goals and work together throughout the project. While everyone plays a role in the team’s success, each member plays an individual role and has their own responsibilities and deliverables. In the following video, Lead Judge Merritt Kendzior explains common roles on an F1 in Schools team along with helpful softwares, skills, and resources that may help each role succeed in preparing their deliverables for the team. The powerpoint that is referenced in the video can be found below. Keep in mind the roles discussed in this video are just suggestions and may not work for your team. Use these as a template – maybe instead of a sponsorship and marketing manager you have a resource manager who covers necessary materials, a sponsorship relations manager who covers sponsors and a marketing manager who covers social media and team promotions. Adapt roles as best suits your team.

Please note: most videos in these archives were prepared in 2020 but are still relevant. However, please always refer to the current competition and technical regulations, as minor changes have been made over the years. Specifically, please note that the Sponsorship and Marketing Presentation document is no longer a required competitive element, per the 2022/23 rules, but is mentioned in this video and supporting powerpoints.